Lithium3 are hot on compliance as legislation is constantly changing (AWR, GDPR, IR35). This adds value to our candidate and client experience. We advise and partner with the right experts to essentially remove risk for all parties we engage with.
Lithium3 are proud APSCo members. The Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) was formed to give all firms involved in the recruitment of professional talent that have a commitment to excellence, the specialist support and distinctive voice they need to be successful.
APSCO support Lithium3 with market information, legal services, training and staffing industry advice.
Limited company insurances for contractors - If you are providing services via a personal services company, it is a requirement of Lithium3 that you have £1,000,000 Professional Indemnity insurance, £1,000,000 Public Liability insurance and £5,000,000 Employers’ Liability insurance (where applicable) to cover the duration of your assignment. If you require cover or wish to get an alternative quotation you can speak with Kingsbridge Contractor Insurance who provide a 10% discount to Lithium3 contractors.
Outside IR35 (Off Payroll) insurance for client, contractor and agency. Lithium3 do work with clients using the CEST tool for IR35 determinations. However, to avoid the ambiguity of CEST offering an inconclusive determination and for that extra layer of protection Lithium3 have partnered with Larson Howie who offer a slick and thorough IR35 determination process backed up with insurance. This verify's IR35 status and removes risk for each party in the chain (Contractor, Client, Agency). Lithium3 pay for this insurance as part of our service offering.
Approved Umbrella Companies
For those contractors inside IR35 we are open to using recognised umbrella companies but we prefer to use our fully vetted partners. As legitimate umbrella’s work to the same tax rules the difference is often the price and service levels. Lithium3 have worked with our umbrella partners for over a decade and have negotiated so they offer the best value service to our contractors.
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